P & C Association

The P&C objectives are to: 

a)   Foster community interest in education.  

b)   Promote closer liaison between school and the community. 

c)   Assist in the provision of school amenities eg: Canteen, Uniform shop.

Meeting dates are published in the schools newsletter or notifications are sent to parents via the ‘message you schools’ sms service.  Meetings are held in the staff room of the school (unless otherwise stated). New members are always welcome to establish new friendships and help share the workload.

Membership costs of $1 per year are payable to the P&C Treasurer.

The P&C have requested that each family pay a YEARLY FUND RAISING DONATION of $20.00


President: Mrs Heidi Oliver
Vice President: Mrs Lauren Shinners
Treasurer: Mrs Jacinta Behrend
Secretary: Mrs Karen Mason