Voluntary Contributions

The Cassia Primary School Board has endorsed the schedule of Contributions and Charges. This schedule is broken into two sections and will allow you to calculate all costs that you may incur throughout the school year.  The totals are the maximum amount of money you should have to expend. 


The total amount of voluntary contributions parents/caregivers are being asked to pay has been set at:  $60.00 for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6. 

Money collected will be used to supplement school expenditure in the curriculum learning areas listed below. While Contributions are voluntary, the quality of our teaching and learning program will be maximised when each family makes its contribution by supplementing funding gained from other sources, including the State and Commonwealth Governments. The table below gives you the breakdown of where we will direct your voluntary contribution to.

Kindergarten – Year 6 Voluntary Contributions
Physical Education resources$  8.00
Art/Craft resources & consumables$  10.00
Science resources & consumables$  8.00
English$  12.00
Mathematics$  12.00
Humanities$  10.00
P&C Annual contribution$  20.00

Charges for extra cost optional components

A breakdown schedule of estimated charges if your child participates in all of the activities for 2018 is available from the school.  Students will only incur costs when they are involved in a particular activity.  The amounts indicated on the schedule represent the maximum charge for scheduled activities. As in the past, you will be asked to make payment for each activity as it occurs.

The charges schedule includes costs associated with:

  • Extra curricula activities that supplement the regular program e.g. incursions, excursions, in term swimming, fraction and interschool carnivals
  • Specific activities for selected students, but conditional on a payment being made e.g. instrumental music, camp, graduation

Make a payment

Prompt Payment of these Contributions would be greatly appreciated, we accept cash, cheque and EFTPos payments and Direct Deposit.
Direct Deposit details
BSB 016 -790
Account 3408 18503

For any queries contact the school office 9172 8500.