School Board

The School Education Act 1999 provides for School Councils to enable parents and members of the community the opportunity to engage in activities that are in the best interests of students and enhance the education provided by the school. Cassia Primary School Board was first established in 2013. Specifically, the functions of the Board are to:

1. Take part in: 

  • Establishing and reviewing the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions.
  • Financial planning to support the above. 
  • Evaluating the school performance in achieving the above
  • Formulating codes of conduct for students.

2. Promote the school in the community.

3. Determine, in consultation, a dress code for students.

School Board Members

School Chairperson

Community Representative: Mrs Lauren Shinners, Mrs Lisa Armstrong, Ms Em Morrison

Parent Representative: Mrs Toni McMahon – School Board Chair, Mrs Carmel Ford, Mrs Karen Mason, Mrs Caitlin Bloxidge

School Representative: Ms Jaqueline Barry – Principal, Mrs Gayleen Horne – Manager Corporate Services, Mrs Vanessa Wainwright – Deputy, Ms Kelsey Redfern