BHP Pilbara Educational Partnership

The BHP Pilbara Education Partnership Early Years will support the preparation of children to be ready for school through provision of a coordinated approach to services and early intervention to address areas of concern.  Across a range of agencies and organisations the Partnership will coordinate specialist services to deliver targeted support so all children are prepared for successful early engagement with school.

View the Partnership Website here


At Cassia Primary School we are proud to be part of the BHP Pilbara Education Partnership, with a particular focus on the Early Years. We currently run an Early Learning Program for 0-4 Year olds each morning from 8.30-10.30am Wednesday through to Friday. Our ELP Coordinator is Ms Jessica Read and is Abecedarian trained in implementation of this program. We currently have 35 enrolments and are keen to have as many families as possible join us. There are exceptional opportunities through the ELP to engage with agencies as they move at and through the ELP centre.